1 - Write a ‘Thank You’ letter to a physician or referral partner
2 - Write a positive letter to a patient
3 - Write a positive message on a sticky note and leave for a coworker to find
4 - Deliver a surprise to a senior home
5 - Send a ‘Thank you’ card to your local police officers or fire fighters
6 - Write a positive comment on a referral source’s blog or social media account
7 - Send an encouraging email to a coworker
8 - Offer to run an errand for a busy coworker
9 - Send an inspirational quote to a coworker
10 - Text someone ‘good morning’ and wish them a great day
11 - Smile at five strangers
12 - Write a ‘Thank You’ card to a Veteran
13 - Bring a kindness rock to a patient or referral source
14 - Hold the door open for someone
15 - Compliment someone’s skills or efforts
16 - Bring a meal to a homeless shelter