Parables for Friday’s Meditation:
This week, I want to share a few insights I gathered—from my conversations with remarkable people over the years. Usually, the following day when I reflected on what I learned, or what someone might have been communicating beyond even what was said.
Create Your Own Environment – Don’t depend on others.
A single drop of ink can taint the clearest well. Hate, no matter how small, damages luminosity of the soul.
Who better knows clay? The geologist or the potter? Who better knows light? The physicist or the photographer? Different perspectives make for richer understanding. Detached knowing and engaged knowing are essential.
Be wary of anyone who is unwilling to learn, thinking they know because they’ve been there. Experience makes us brilliant, but when experience generalizes or makes assumptions it makes us fools.
Imitation is easy, and boring. Uniqueness and creativity are difficult because it requires you to own your gifts.
Many want to care, but they confuse it with wanting to be the only one cared for.
Meaning comes from the sensitivity of feeling in friction with the precision of thinking. Meaning is a mindful heart.
Emulating your leader, is not you.
Growth and wisdom come from breaking patterns, not from being stuck in your ways. Breaking patterns is uncomfortable and liberating.
We live in a multi-valued, rich and complex world. When we experience frustration, pain or anguish - it’s because our own model is impoverished. People with richer mental models see many options where impoverished models see very few. Enrich your models and you enrich your life.
If you never have to clean up your own mess, you will never tap your potential. The way to be a super-human is to be super…human. Risk yourself, it’s the shortest distance to tapping your inner genius.
Have a great weekend.
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