A Symbol of Value That Bonds Us and Sets Us Apart.
By: Danny Gutknecht
Every morning, billions of people wake up and go to work. For the average adult, over fifty-seven percent of life is spent working. Whether you're wielding a hammer or a stethoscope, the responsibilities you shoulder, the relationships you cultivate, and the decisions you make shape your identity and life experience. It's no wonder that for most of us, finding Meaning at work is paramount.
The companies we work for play an essential role. Beyond offering products and services, they provide economic security unimaginable 250 years ago. When a company delivers something that matters to society, it forges a lasting connection. Some companies are more recognizable than others. We use "brand" as a symbol of value and to distinguish its differences.
Tag Strategies and Crossroads are currently working on a brand refresh. I am excited about this endeavor. Like implementing Even More Care For You Leadership Training, continually stewarding your brand is something all great organizations do. These two journeys, personal and organizational development, are essential to keeping up with world changes. Both exercises are dynamic and crucial to the health and vitality of the organization, its people, and the populations it serves.
Like personal development, brand stewardship isn't a static relationship; it demands continuous effort and attention. When we invest in our professional growth, actively work to improve our interpersonal relationships at work, and contribute to the betterment of the company as a whole, we create a ripple effect. These improvements elevate the work culture but also have the power to transform the patient experience.
The quality of a patient's experience at Crossroads has ties to the cohesion and rapport among team members within the organization. Relationships take work. If you want things to get better, you start by cleaning your house. A brand refresh is another step in making things better. Those who want to help are welcome to participate; we need you!
Try this as a first step in a simple reflection exercise: Explore what resonates for you about Crossroads. What does it stand for to you that you also stand for?
Here's an example: For me, my connection to Crossroads begins with its logo, which stands for reaching one's full potential, something I am incredibly passionate about. The company also stands for going a step further, to care, to do things that are sometimes inconvenient because it's the right thing to do. Last but not least, it stands for the fact that even for those at the end of life, this company will hold the space for everyone to reflect in hopes that their life has Meaning.
What's your Reflection? I'd love to hear it!
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