The Journey After – A Bereavement Guide.
The purpose of this grief booklet is to share with you some wisdom learned from those who have experienced loss. The booklet also provides some of the small, deliberate steps they have taken to feel better. The Journey After is a book about loss, written by those who have experienced it firsthand.
The After booklet contains the followings sections:
- After
- Natural Grief Responses
- Feelings When Coping With Life Changes, Grief, and Loss
- Some Things That Help
- The Grief Recovery Handbook
- Help For the Holidays
- How our book about loss can help:
How our book about loss can help.
Since each one of us is different there is no correct way to grieve. Our grief is like a fingerprint which is uniquely our own. We each have our own life experience, our own personality, and our own way of being in the world. In addition, all of our personal relationships with people are unique. Sometimes, we are close and bonded, and other times, we are distant or estranged.
Often, our experiences with people are a combination of both good times and difficult ones. Because of these differences, we will each grieve in our own way and in our own time. Yet, there are some things we have in common with each other, and one of these things is our need to share our thoughts and feelings.
Although everyone’s experience is unique, our grief booklet provides perspective about the grief process. At a time when we feel most like isolating ourselves, it is important to reach out to someone who will listen.
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