Disease Specialists: Here’s How Hospice Can Help Your Patient
The importance of a disease specialist’s relationship with a terminally ill patient cannot be overemphasized. As a healthcare professional, you’ve likely tried everything in your power to help your patient, but unfortunately with a life-limiting illness, eventually there comes a time when treatment for cure is no longer a viable option. Crossroads understands this. We help make patients more comfortable, and often their family members tell us they wished they had learned about the benefits of hospice sooner.
Whether your background is in oncology, cardiology, or another specialty, if you’re here you’re likely wondering “how can hospice help my patient?” This page will detail the benefits hospice can provide, with the ultimate goal of making the most out of the time the patient has left.
Hospice service is provided in the patient’s home.
Hospice is not a place, but instead a model and philosophy of care. This means your patient can receive hospice care wherever they call home – be it their home, an assisted living facility, or even in the hospital. With our care team coming to them, your patient spends less time traveling for appointments – enabling them to spend more time with loved ones.
Hospice allows the patient and their family to enjoy the time they have left.
It’s a misconception that hospice is giving up on your patient. In reality, hospice is another medical option for treating a terminal illness – specifically, for managing the pain, nausea, discomfort, and other symptoms that come with it.
At Crossroads, we understand why a healthcare professional may have reservations about hospice. But frequently, as cardiologists and other disease specialists learn more about how hospice helps, they come to realize that this type of care is exactly what the patient needs at this time. Additionally, healthcare professionals will now have more time to focus on other patients, knowing that their end-stage patient is getting the right kind of treatment they need.
Why should oncologists and cardiologists consider Crossroads?
Hospice can be a welcome lifeline for a patient with a life-limiting illness. But why should healthcare professionals choose Crossroads over other hospice care providers?
- Crossroads ranks among the nation’s best hospice providers in daily visits.
- During the patient’s final days, our hospice team visits the patient a more frequently than the national average.
- The Crossroads Evenmore Care program ensures a Crossroads team member is at the patient’s bedside during their final moments. Patient’s family members are also supported through this final transition.
- In addition to symptom and pain management, Crossroads provides emotional and spiritual support to the patient and their family.
- Crossroads offers a number of unique programs, including “Gift of a Day” and “Life Journals,” which celebrate the patient’s life and make lasting memories.
Refer a patient to Crossroads today.
Learn more about how hospice care can benefit your patient. Click here to fill out a patient referral form, or call us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: 855-327-4677.
You can also schedule a meeting with us to discuss our processes and approaches.