Ceremony to honor vets held at Shanoan Springs
Jessica Lane
Staff Writer
Chickasha News
CHICKASHA, OK — Crossroads Hospice, VFW and American Legion members held a ceremony in honor of Veteran's Day at Shanoan Springs Rehabilitation and Retirement Center on Nov. 7.
Cord Fowler, Crossroads Hospice Chaplin and Navy veteran, spoke to the residents.
The early Veteran's Day celebration was held in order to honor the veterans currently at the facility as well as friends and family of veterans.
Fowler led the residents and guests in "The Star Spangled Banner" and the Pledge of Allegiance. Those who were able to do so stood and sang along while the veterans saluted the flag.
Certificates were presented to the seven veterans currently living in the facility by VFW and American Legion members. The veterans are: Albert Mechalske, Jimmy Johnson, Herbert Wright, Robert Mize, James Murphy, Buffod Webb and Kenneth Stewart.
He used a baseball metaphor about a player not taking the glory for himself, but for his team to illustrate veterans making sacrifices for their country.
Fowler cited the many different sacrifices that veterans have made including loss of life, time spent with family and being haunted by the horrors of war.
Fowler used a Bible verse to express his feelings about the significance of these sacrifices: "Greater love has no one than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends."
"These freedoms did not come free," Fowler said.
Renny Cochran, Shanoan Springs Activity Director thanked the veterans, Crossroads Hospice, the VFW and American Legion.
Cochran, mother of a veteran, also thanked the family members of veterans for their sacrifice. She shared her experience of receiving a phone call that her veteran son was missing in battle and the relief when he was found.
Cochran invited those attending the Veteran's Day Ceremony on Nov. 11 to come next door to Shanoan Springs Rehabilitation and Retirment for cake, coffee and punch. Cochran said guests are welcome to come inside, warm up and visit with the facility's veterans.
The Annual Veteran's Day Program will be held at 11 a.m., Nov. 11 at the Grady County Veteran's Memorial in Shanoan Springs Park.
In addition to Fowler, Norman Fritz, Air Force veteran, VFW and American Legion member, Roger Saxon, Marine Corps veteran VFW and American Legion Commancer, Carey Cabo Wilkerson, Air Force veteran, VFW and American Legion member and Walt Bledsoe, Navy veteran and VFW and American Legion member.