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Crossroads Hospice seeks student volunteers in the Oklahoma City area

The Oklahoman

Crossroads Hospice is seeking volunteers to provide comfort, companionship and a helping hand to terminally ill patients and their families in their homes, in assisted-living facilities and nursing facilities.

Volunteers are also welcome to help Crossroads staff in the office, including planning a “Gift of a Day,” which asks a patient to describe a perfect day and then makes it a reality.

Crossroads Hospice welcomes student volunteers who are 16 or older. By donating as little as 45 minutes per week, students can help fulfill community service hour requirements while honing their social abilities, boosting self-confidence and developing new skills, according to a news release.

Volunteers share activities such as reading, card games, playing music and arts and crafts. They can bring their pets to visit patients or run errands and provide respite for family members.

“We call our volunteers Ultimate Givers, because they selflessly give extra love and comfort to terminally ill patients and their families,” volunteer coordinator Liz McCown said.

For more information, call McCown or Elizabeth Horn at 632-9631.

Potential volunteers must wait at least a year after the death of an immediate family member before applying.