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Priceless stories from Crossroads Hospice gain power to live on forever

CINCINNATI -- University of Cincinnati journalism students are partnering with Crossroads Hospice to write the life stories of people so they may live forever.

Margaret Pope Nesbitt is one of those people who can prove she owns her own place in history.

She is getting a life journal to include her tales of treasure, which her son, Albert can have to keep.

She was born in Montgomery, Alabama in 1913 - long before the Civil Rights movement.

Margaret was a born leader, a spitfire who certainly has a "gift of gab."

"We had one of the best schools for colored girls that you could go to if you was selected," she said.

Rosa Parks was among her classmates.

"We had to help each other," Margaret said. "Rosa sat here in the front seat and I sat right behind her. And when we knew the answers good, we traded papers. I'm telling all our secrets."

Albert is adding some memories to the life journal, too.

"She has had long litanies about her feet, her feet are not in good shape," Albert said. "It's due to her days as a ballerina."

Albert said Margaret started the dietary department at Booth Hospital.

Within each one of her stories you'll find a life lesson.

"When you got knowledge, no one can fool ya," Margaret said.

Perhaps her sweetest life lesson of all is to not take life too seriously.

"I used to like to get in the swing and swing real high so I could look over in the Catholic school yard where it was boys and girls and I could see over there real good."

For more information about the Crossroads Hospice Life Journals program tap here.