Blog: Hospice & Palliative Care Insights - December 2015

Bringing Hospice to Prisoners: Beth’s Story
Beth Huliska is not only a social worker at Crossroads Hospice, but a few years ago she was approached to join another team — a collaboration among many hospices working on a very special project in Missouri that would prepare life-sentence-serving prisoners to provide hospice for each other.
Bringing Hospice to Prisons: Dr. Jay Riseman’s Story
Crossroads Hospice is extremely proud to be a part of an incredible and inspiring effort to bring hospice education to reformed inmates serving life sentences in correctional facilities. Bringing Hospice to Prisons is a three-part blog series that will serve to highlight some of the personal stories of those involved in the program through different lenses.
This is Your Life: Gift of a Day Down on the Farm
Spring Lea Farm: even the name sounds idyllic. For Jerry Stolle, Spring Lea Farm is home, where he spent boyhood days filled with fishing, shooting potato guns, and sweating under the hot summer sun bailing hay. With his dogs Bandit, Bo, and Bear, Jerry and his friends made use of the farm as a 175-acre adventureland, camping, boating on Stolle Lake, and having campfires complete with stories and roasted marshmallows.
Care Management of Hospice Patients with Dementia
Robert was living in a nursing facility following a series of strokes. As his dementia advanced and his health deteriorated, his family chose to begin hospice care. While Robert was always cheerful, his ability to self-feed and to speak slipped away. His day-day-care became more rigorous; and the added skilled hands of his hospice team were welcomed by his facility.
Real Heroes Wear Dog Tags: Women Veterans
Posted on December 18, 2015
When you think of a Veteran — a hero — what is it you see? On Veterans Day, we explored this concept in the ways that it has evolved over time.