Blog: Hospice & Palliative Care Insights - September 2015

20 Years of Crossroads Hospice Employees Doing More
Earlier this month we celebrated Labor Day, when we recognize the contributions of workers to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our communities. For 20 years, Crossroads Hospice employees have provided compassionate care to patients at end-of-life. Across Crossroad Hospice’s footprint—in 11 regions and seven states—1,900 of our staff members cared for 11,996 patients and their families in 2014, providing 1,163,864 hours of care. Those are big numbers. But it comes down to one patient, and one Crossroads professional at a time.
Complicated Grief: When to Seek Help
Grief is the normal and natural response to a loss of any kind. Symptoms like loneliness, fatigue, sadness and irritability are all part of the normal grief process. Grief is indicative of the love and connection felt toward the person who died. While painful and difficult, grief is a natural human response to loss. What, then, is meant by complicated grief? Furthermore, how can we tell when the normal pain of grieving has crossed into a realm of complicated grief, requiring professional support?
How We Prepared to Provide Hospice Care During Pope Francis's Visit
This weekend, Pope Francis concludes his visit to the United States with a historic visit to Philadelphia which will include a public address at Independence Hall and the celebration of an outdoor Mass on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway.
The Lynn and Lynn Show Was a Hit for Hospice Patient
Posted on September 22, 2015
According to Richard Moore, the son of Crossroads Hospice patient Halcyon Lynn, his mother loves to sing and she loves to be the center of attention.
So it should not have been surprising when her Crossroads Hospice caregivers at the Allen Morgan Health and Rehabilitation Center asked Halcyon what entertainment she might like as a Gift of the Day and she declared, “I am the entertainment.”
And so she was.