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Blog: Hospice & Palliative Care Insights - August 2016

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Siblings and Grief: Advice for Talking with Kids Who Have Lost a Sibling

Not too long ago a little boy named Ben died of an aggressive brain tumor. Ben’s mom, also mother to his identical twin brother and younger sisters, blogged about Ben and the family; about hope and grief. Blue4Ben became a trending topic, the city of Buffalo lit the Peace Bridge blue (the color Ben wore to distinguish him from his brother, Jack), and prayer chains ensued.

Photo Box: Activities for Dementia Patients

Short-term memory loss is often cited as the first warning sign of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. As the disease progresses, more and more memories may be lost including the names and faces of the people the individual loves most.
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Facebook Accounts After Death: What Happens Next?

Today, nearly everyone is on Facebook — our children, parents and even some of our grandparents. Here’s an interesting statistic about the popular social media platform: With over one billion users, approximately 10 thousand of them pass away every day. Over its first eight years, over 30 million Facebook users have passed away. In another 100 years, that number will increase to 500 million.