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5 Things To Do For Your Heart

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. Throughout Heart Month, we have shared how Crossroads can help patients with end-stage heart disease.

As Heart Month comes to a close, we asked five members of our Crossroads team how they take care of their heart.

"I take care of my heart by trying to keep it full of love and compassion."


Sally Drummond, RN, CHPN
Corporate Pharmacy Consultant

"I try each day to remember why I do what I do and all those that it helps. That fills my heart and keeps me going." 

Danny Cox, RN, BSN
Clinical Consultant

"Find the balance: exercise, learning how to cope with stress, eating a healthy diet."

DeAnna Looper RN, CHPN, CHPCA
Senior Vice President of Clinical Operations

"Move every day to the point of working up a sweat! Keep that very important muscle working. Find what you love and do it! At least 30 minutes is my rule."

Sherri Bickley, LMSW, M.Th.
Support Services Consultant

"I tell everyone in my family that I love them...then I go workout."

Perry Farmer

For additional information on how Crossroads Hospice supports those with end-stage heart disease, visit our website or call 888-564-3405.

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Copyright © 2016 Crossroads Hospice. All rights reserved.

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