Blog: Hospice & Palliative Care Insights - April 2017

Everything You Need to Be a Hospice Volunteer
Posted on April 26, 2017
Hospice volunteers add immeasurable happiness to patients’ lives. They also allow family caregivers to take much needed breaks. But ask any volunteer and they’ll almost certainly say that they are getting more out of the experience than they could ever give. 
Who Pays for Hospice? Rarely the Patient or Family.
A loved one’s terminal diagnosis is one of the most difficult things a family will ever experience. In addition to the emotional toll it takes, as the loved one declines, they often require additional support and care.
Debunking Common Hospice Myths and Misconceptions
Hospice care provides a team of healthcare professionals to care for terminally ill patients, both supporting the efforts of family caregivers and providing essential services. Yet, many families do not use hospice care or simply wait until it is too late. This is largely due to a number of common hospice myths and misconceptions.
What Are the Different Types of Power of Attorney?
When a person becomes unable to make his or her own decisions due to health, injury, or any other forms of unfortunate circumstances, a power of attorney can be put into place to help their loved ones make important decisions on their behalf.