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Blog: Hospice & Palliative Care Insights - May 2017

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What is a Legacy Video?

Simply put, a legacy video is a short personal documentary that family and friends make in an effort to highlight a loved one's stories and accomplishments. Not only does this act as a device that family and friends can use to aide in the grieving process, but it also helps to preserve the legacy of an individual approaching end of life.

What in the World is Dexamethasone?

Dexamethasone, often referred to by the brand name Decadron, is a corticosteroid medication used to treat inflammation. Dexamethasone use in hospice is administered to treat a variety of symptoms at end of life.
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How to Tell Your Child You Have a Terminal Illness

One of the most difficult things a parent could ever have to do is share their terminal diagnosis with their child. No matter what the age, children depend on their parents to provide a sense of stability in their lives. Learning that a parent is dying is difficult even for adults, but it can be especially devastating for younger children. A few simple “dos” and “don’ts” in communicating this unfortunate reality can help to support children through terminal illness.
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Hospice Transitioning: From Hospital to Home

For many terminally ill individuals, there is a strong desire to die at home with their family. Hospice transitioning from the hospital to home offers patients and their families the support needed to manage symptoms in the home. Crossroads Hospice & Palliative Care works with the hospital staff and primary care physicians to make the hospice transition easy for the family.

Apron Craft: Activities for Dementia Patients

Sharing a meal together is a beautiful part of family life. Unfortunately, when someone in the family has Alzheimer’s disease or another type of dementia, mealtime can be difficult. Matriarchs who delighted in cooking may no longer be able to prepare meals independently and, as dementia becomes more severe, they may even forget when and how to eat altogether.