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Blog: Hospice & Palliative Care Insights - October 2018

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Veterans Recognition: A New Way to Serve

There are close to 22 million Veterans living today in the United States. These are men and women who have put their lives on the line to protect our great nation and the freedoms we enjoy. While they may differ as individuals, it is safe to say they all share a common call to duty – to serve with honor, defend our country, and bring aid to those in need.
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Hospice in Pennsylvania: Resources & Information

Residents of Pennsylvania who are considering hospice care for a family member or loved one should be prepared to consider a variety of options as they go through the process. Learn more about Pennsylvania hospice resources and information below.
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Hospice Talking Points for Physicians

When a patient is facing a terminal diagnosis, the earlier a physician introduces hospice as an option, the easier it is for patients to understand its benefits when the time for a referral arrives.