Meet Hospice Aide Laura Colster
Throughout CNA Week, we'll be introducing you to just a few of the many dedicated and compassionate hospice aides who care for our patients. CNAs are also called HHAs, STNAs and hospice aides. Today, meet Laura Colster from our Kansas City office.
What made you decide to become a hospice aide?
My husband was diagnosed with lymphoma and I took care of him for 10 years. I was a full-time caregiver to him and our four kids.
It’s always been my dream to work in hospice. At first, I didn’t think I could do it, but after 10 years with my husband, I was ready. When I go to work, I just put everyone in that same position I was in with my husband and try to give the best quality care that I could give anybody.
What do you wish more people knew about hospice?
A lot of people see hospice and panic like it’s the end of the world. And in some ways, it can be, but not always. We’re just extra care for them. I don’t focus on end of life. I just try to be their secondary caregiver and try to give them all the extras they wouldn’t get if they weren’t receiving hospice care. It makes my day to go home knowing that I’ve done everything I can for my patients – everything they expected or more.
Tell us about one of your most memorable patients.
One of my most memorable patients was a home patient. We hit it off from day one. She was a like a grandmother, always had hard candy in a dish. I would bathe her and talk, and it was like we could finish each other’s sentences. She moved to another city and passed away. It was a very special bond. We just clicked.
Tell us about working at Crossroads.
I am very honored to say that I work for Crossroads Hospice & Palliative Care. They’re like a second family. They’re just very supportive and there’s always someone there who can answer questions and give advice. It’s just a very rewarding job to have.